Saunassa lämpökäsiteltyä 15x140 sts haapapaneelia

Frequently asked questions

Front page / Wood products / Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions about wood products

How should sauna panels and boards be maintained in a sauna or in a humid environment?

How do I avoid moisture damage to the sauna panels and board material?

Can the sauna panels be installed by yourself or is the help of a professional recommended?

What kind of interior spaces can wooden panels be used in?

Can the sauna panel be used elsewhere than in the sauna?

How to maintain and clean wooden panels?

Should the loss of material caused by installation need to be taken into account in the amount of panels ordered?

How often should the sauna benches be maintained?

What are the advantages of heat-treated wood products compared to untreated ones?

How do I choose the right type of wood for sauna panels or benches?

Are the panels available with grooves and tongues at the ends?

What should the sauna panels be treated with?

Can a consumer customer also order products directly from Pieksäwood?

What is the difference between STP and STS panels?

What is the difference between heat-treated aspen and heat-treated alder?

Are alder and aspen wood suitable for outdoor use?

Why are aspen and alder your main raw material?

Saunan pukuhuoneen seinän materiaali lämpökäsiteltyä haapaa. Paneeli on valeurapaneeli.

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